“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” -Judy Garland

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


As many of you know I am half Japanese, hapa, half Asian, hapa haole, half white, half American, half Caucasian, mixed...whatever you want to call it.

Most people who don't know just ask "So, what are you?"

I am always tempted to respond "I am a human...what are you?" but I usually don't...when I have people just look at me funny.

Anywho. I LOVE ASIA...and not because I am half Asian, but because I just LOVE it. It is so RICH, COLORFUL, CRAZY, and the PEOPLE...WOW.

OK so it is not like I have traveled all over Asia or anything...actually I have only been to Japan twice. But I did a four month research project on Cambodians...LOVE those people...what a STRONG people. I lived in Hawaii for a summer where I met TONS of Asians...who I just LOVE mostly because they love love love and make you laugh SO much. I also had the privilege of working for BYUs International Services where I worked with plenty of Asians. So I think I am well-acquainted with Asians...I mean I have grown up with one my ENTIRE life. LOVE YOU DAD! SMILE.

OK BREAK...I know I am saying Asians as a lump term...SORRY...I know Asians are so diverse and shouldn't be clumped into one term...but really I love just about ALL ASIANS...because of the diversity. Each country and culture is so rich and lovely and lively...WAHOO...Asia is SO amazing!

So this morning I did my usually click click click and I found this....thanks to A Cup of Jo:

My Rocking Wardrobe: Japanese and Korean inspired FASHION!

Amazing right? YES!

Please take a look:

FOR ME:For Little Girly Rocker MAE:

For the Tough Little Guy TORU:

OK OK OK you caught me...I just chose the cutest pictures for the kids...they were just too cute to resist. And there are TONS more...suggest taking a peek.


Yeah you heard me go find Asian love.

much love,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you're about the coolest *asian* HUMAN i've ever met. i can totally see you in each of those clothes, even the little girl ones are so you! and i want all of the boy ones for my little metro-Jojo, he's so into his looks now, it's hilarious. miss you somethin' fierce...




  3. ahhh I love you! I was think all of you boys could be models for this fashion line...they would rock it!
