“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” -Judy Garland

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bri in DC


Sorry I didn't blog on Friday or Saturday.


Alright now that that is over I can start.

I made it to D.C. My lovely sister Angela picked me up from the airport and we eventually found our way to the Barlow Center (where I will be residing for the next three and one half months).

Let me tell you...these streets are hard to navigate, but we did it. We invested in a map, which has been put to a lot of good use already...we have already helped a girl from who knows where find dupount circle...or dupoint...I am not a local yet.

OK. So I live in the top of an institute building...kinda crazy I know. But it is like waking up in church everyday...fabulous. No really the Barlow Center is amazing...General Authorities do business here...so it has to be OK.

I got all unpacked and organized and said goodbye to my big sis. Then I started meeting people. We went out to Georgetown...which I now love because of all the cutesy boutiques and restaurants. We ate at a French bistro YUM YUM.

I made it to the next morning and was off to real life: buying shampoo and conditioner and soap and stuff. WOHOO. I really live here. And then I went on an adventure to get a metro pass.

Rachel and I decided to walk to the Metro Center. We passed so many big building and I was all ooos and awwws...she thought it was pretty funny. We got our passes after a little navigating. The guy who helped us was so nice and intent on making me smile. Then we got to the mall....oh I love it.

I saw some group rallying for something in Iran...tight. Then a bunch of gorgeous boys playing street hockey...yes Jenny I almost winked at one! Then I saw the back of the White House and the Smithsonian. I saw the EPA, THE Post Office, The Natural History Museum, The Capitol, The Washington Monument, and much much more.

I saw this...from the set of Night at the Museum Two

This was at the Smithsonian Castle...so fab.Then we walked and found where we were working and so much more.

Oh our way to find Rachel's work there were a bunch of police. They shut down this intersection in no time...it was really quite impressive. There was one police officer who just loved telling people to not go on the sidewalk. We then realized that it was for Sen. Ted Kennedy's procession. Here is a pic...there might have been some important people in this bus.

Anyway so afterwards we rode the metro back. (on our way I said hi to an FBI agent…we are tight now). I LOVE THE METRO. So convenient. While walking from Foggy Bottom…yes that is the name of the closest metro station to me…there was this guy who said “Ain’t that a shame, all them people in church and you ticketing them.” He was saying this to the police officer giving out tickets right outside a church HA. THERE ARE SO MANY CRAZIES…I can’t wait to meet them all!

Then I met my roommate...like a lot. We ate out Thai together and then I pushed myself to go out with her and this other girl Marydawn to Arlington Cemetery. Hello…by this time I was so tired and gross from walking all over. BUT I WENT.

We rode the metro and made I there…there were tons of news crews, but we couldn’t do anything. So we walked down the Lincoln Memorial.

This is me squished between Washington and Lincoln.

As we were walking down a bunch of police motor bikes in single file drown by. They were then followed by two huge black suburbans…or some car like that. I am not sure…but I might have just seen the President of the United States…ya know he did just give the eulogy in the cemetery that I was like two blocks from. AHHHHHHHHHH.

Alright so here is the Lincoln Memorial. SUCH A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE…highly recommended.

I am in LOVE with him.

While there…random I asked this guy to take our picture…he was LDS. We talked and he told us stories of all the crazy people in D.C. (just so I remember he is going to NZ…tight.)

AH yes and the Washington Monument at night FAB.

Alright this is me and my life in D.C.

Here’s to a lot of adventure in the city.

Love Bri in D.C.