“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” -Judy Garland

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bri in DC


Sorry I didn't blog on Friday or Saturday.


Alright now that that is over I can start.

I made it to D.C. My lovely sister Angela picked me up from the airport and we eventually found our way to the Barlow Center (where I will be residing for the next three and one half months).

Let me tell you...these streets are hard to navigate, but we did it. We invested in a map, which has been put to a lot of good use already...we have already helped a girl from who knows where find dupount circle...or dupoint...I am not a local yet.

OK. So I live in the top of an institute building...kinda crazy I know. But it is like waking up in church everyday...fabulous. No really the Barlow Center is amazing...General Authorities do business here...so it has to be OK.

I got all unpacked and organized and said goodbye to my big sis. Then I started meeting people. We went out to Georgetown...which I now love because of all the cutesy boutiques and restaurants. We ate at a French bistro YUM YUM.

I made it to the next morning and was off to real life: buying shampoo and conditioner and soap and stuff. WOHOO. I really live here. And then I went on an adventure to get a metro pass.

Rachel and I decided to walk to the Metro Center. We passed so many big building and I was all ooos and awwws...she thought it was pretty funny. We got our passes after a little navigating. The guy who helped us was so nice and intent on making me smile. Then we got to the mall....oh I love it.

I saw some group rallying for something in Iran...tight. Then a bunch of gorgeous boys playing street hockey...yes Jenny I almost winked at one! Then I saw the back of the White House and the Smithsonian. I saw the EPA, THE Post Office, The Natural History Museum, The Capitol, The Washington Monument, and much much more.

I saw this...from the set of Night at the Museum Two

This was at the Smithsonian Castle...so fab.Then we walked and found where we were working and so much more.

Oh our way to find Rachel's work there were a bunch of police. They shut down this intersection in no time...it was really quite impressive. There was one police officer who just loved telling people to not go on the sidewalk. We then realized that it was for Sen. Ted Kennedy's procession. Here is a pic...there might have been some important people in this bus.

Anyway so afterwards we rode the metro back. (on our way I said hi to an FBI agent…we are tight now). I LOVE THE METRO. So convenient. While walking from Foggy Bottom…yes that is the name of the closest metro station to me…there was this guy who said “Ain’t that a shame, all them people in church and you ticketing them.” He was saying this to the police officer giving out tickets right outside a church HA. THERE ARE SO MANY CRAZIES…I can’t wait to meet them all!

Then I met my roommate...like a lot. We ate out Thai together and then I pushed myself to go out with her and this other girl Marydawn to Arlington Cemetery. Hello…by this time I was so tired and gross from walking all over. BUT I WENT.

We rode the metro and made I there…there were tons of news crews, but we couldn’t do anything. So we walked down the Lincoln Memorial.

This is me squished between Washington and Lincoln.

As we were walking down a bunch of police motor bikes in single file drown by. They were then followed by two huge black suburbans…or some car like that. I am not sure…but I might have just seen the President of the United States…ya know he did just give the eulogy in the cemetery that I was like two blocks from. AHHHHHHHHHH.

Alright so here is the Lincoln Memorial. SUCH A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE…highly recommended.

I am in LOVE with him.

While there…random I asked this guy to take our picture…he was LDS. We talked and he told us stories of all the crazy people in D.C. (just so I remember he is going to NZ…tight.)

AH yes and the Washington Monument at night FAB.

Alright this is me and my life in D.C.

Here’s to a lot of adventure in the city.

Love Bri in D.C.

Friday, July 31, 2009



I am so sorry...you all must feel so neglected.

I have been so busy (no excuses I know) but I am going to use school, work, Washington D.C., boys, friends, and LIFE as my excuse.

Alright so awhile back Jenny was asking me about addictions and I didn't think I REALLY had any. I mean I like a lot of stuff like peanut butter, washing my face, and old movies...but I wouldn't call any of them addictions.

Tuesday, I discovered my addiction: competitiveness or perfection or not being able to succeed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

this is why

I have always had this eye for things...I don't know what exactly to call it...but I love visual things. I could sit and stare at a painting, photograph or print for hours.

I have noticed this a few times in my life:

1. at EFY when I was the last person to leave the painting in the MOA of Christ

2. when stare at landscape...longer than the average person

3. when I catch myself memorized by anything...I see it as not a whole picture, but a combination of a million shapes and colors.

4. when Micah and I went to an art exhibit at UVU to see Mandee and Jordan; I looked at each piece of art at least three times.

5. my obession with my roommate in Hawaii's photographer

There is much more...but with all of this I have decided something.

Last night I hit up the Red Iguana...yum...with J. and Liz and we were talking about what we wanted to do. And of course among other things like ski the Swiss alps, teach English in a third world country, sail in Greece, was become a photographer.

Well I can't live that dream right now, but I have stumbled across some inspiration.

Check out Angus Fergusson.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Alright...so I was looking at MadeByGirl and linked to Architectual Digest. I fiddle around on the site and stumbled across a deilghtful architect and a fabulous interior designer. I am more interested in the architect himself: Marc Appleton.

Here is some of his work. If I am ever lucky enough to afford him...he will do all of my homes :).

This is my future kitchen.

What I will walk down every morning.

My home...not a house, but a home.

More of it.

All of the designs I would implement.

My summer get away...in Greece.

The great man himself with the interior designer, Mark Enos.

So here's to all my hoping, wishing and dreaming that one day he could design my home(s).

Monday, July 6, 2009

dr. settle

Alright, so right now I am working in the ISO...yes that stands for International Services Office...duh :). It is the most fabulous job ever! OK well maybe not the job is not that glamorous, but the people who I work with and the students I serve are AMAZING! I work with 12 indescribably stunning girls...who are dwindling in numbers...sad day, and 4 top-notch advisors. Although I love...and when I say love I actually mean it, like the I-really-love-you-and-could-spend-all-day-working-with-you-and-never-get-tired-of-it love all of them...there is one advisor who is particularly entertaining: Dr. Settle. So here is the much anticipated blog post about Dr. Settle.

My list of things that have made me love work thanks to Dr. Settle:

1. when he calls me his Wyoming girl and crosses his eyes
2. when he pulls out milk and moo's
3. his amazing accent
4. whenever he gets flustered and red
5. when he is leaving his office to go to his eucalyptus
6. when he told me why he runs three miles every day:
Never, Never, Never give up -Winston Churchill
7. when I yawn and he says: Oh I saw your breakfast
8. whenever he talks about his wife
9. that one day he pulled out his planner and we got to see what he did the day I was born...it was a busy day...just like me.
10. when he got a facebook and we all friend requested him and then we snuck into his office and accepted our requests!!!
11. his Hawaiian shirts
12. the day he brought treats to staff meeting: i love crackers and cheese
13. when he won a big screen tv and gave it to his daughter
14. whenever he talks about the Queen
15. his addiction to diet coke
16. when he comes to the front desk and discusses the news
17. when he comes into the office after lunch break: so intense
18. his face when we mention the name Himal
19. the way he explains anything...so thorough and formal i love it
20. that his office phone is on speaker all the time
21. his analysis of Michael Jackson
22. those times when you hear him hysterically laughing in his office

Memories that could have only been made in Mexico with Dr. Settle

2. his 30 peso cowboy hat
3. his driving skills
4. when he would point out every sushi restaurant to me
5. when he gave Sara's the nickname soggy bottom

Alright I could probably go on for days. I am sure I will add and edit many more times. But for now enjoy! If any of you office girlies come up with anymore feel free to add to the list.

So here's to my job and especially to Dr. Settle who is by far the most spectacular associate director I know!

Friday, July 3, 2009


This must be illegal or something...but I love it so much. Here is a post from my other blog. So here's to duplicating.

I just saw this post on absolutelybeautifulthings and fell in love.

Reminder to self: to have a wall in my home dedicated to beautiful dishes...or matching dishes.

So here's to my future home...if that isn't too honest about how much I plan in the future...because I practically live there ah!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

let's get organized

OK. So who really knows how much they spend?? NOT ME. I have a vague idea or where my money goes...maybe more vague that I really think. I have a mental catalog of how much I spend where, but nothing solid.

I was at work the other day when one of my co-workers (btw her name is Brittani) was on mint.com; she said that she was starting a budget. I was like oh that's nice, but I really don't need a budget yet. I thought for awhile and decided to check it out.

I think I am in love. This website is amazing. You log in your banking account and it tabulates where you have spend your money. WHO KNEW that I spent over $700 on clothes in the past three months?? THAT'S RIDICULOUS. I really had no idea.

So check it out and see just where your money is going. You will probably be surprised and will notice more where you are spending...or maybe not.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009





OK...so I have officially enter the world of blogs. I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. So I was looking at blog after blog...and stumbled across a post promoting this website. I was dying to be creative so I made a little something for one my girlies at work. Enjoy!!!

cousin love

check this out!!!


my lovely and creative cousin!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am the baby in the family...probably in more ways than one. So naturally I did not grow up around any little siblings or babies....that was me! I also was removed from any other extended family; we saw them maybe once or twice a year...so no little cousins.

OK...so I will admit it straight out: I don't like kids or babies. I have wondered why A LOT...probably because whenever I say this to somehow they give a look that says: Are you a crazy/psycho/mean/unsympathetic/hard/numb/have-no-feelings type of person? These are all valid questions...for those of you who know my iron first, but I think most of these don't describe me majority of the time...or at least a few moments in my life have been characterized by compassion, friendliness or heaven forbid kindness.

Nevertheless I still don't like babies. One time my manager at the KOA, Jean, chased me all around the store with her new baby; I had a panic attack...real fear. I also get anxiety over holding babies and just when they are around. I have only really ever held one baby: my cousin Duncan...it wasn't too bad...but after about a minute I gave him back to my aunt.

I think this anti-baby syndrome comes from being the baby and growing up with cousins who LOVED babies. Over the years I have found myself...dare I say it...liking kids more. They still stress me out and I can spend a day with them at the max, but sometimes I find them irresistibly cute. Like my adviser, Cristi's, baby....so cute...I didn't hold him, but I found him cute. And whenever kids come into the office I can't help but think how cute they are...well most of them.

So here is to the new me who is learning to tolerate kids...and maybe babies. btw I am headed to a baby shower right now!

Friday, June 19, 2009

plain jane

Alright so I went on my date and.............I didn't wear any make-up!! wohoo. I felt fine and didn't even realize it. I will admit to curling my eyelashes...I had to give something...oh and I tried to pick out a really cute outfit and do my hair cute. I honestly don't think he even cared and that was great.

My next question is...is doing my hair and picking out a cute outfit the same as making myself up with make-up. I think so, but again I think its OK. MOTIVES; for sure.

I am doing great and am going to stick to my 30-day-make-up fast. I have decided that I will wear make-up after I am done with it, but I won't die if I go a day without. After this I will probably go more days without make-up that with it. I have also decided that I am fine with my natural face. It is plain and sometimes not that cute...but is what I actually look like right...and I am fine with that.

So here is to being a plain jane...and being OK with it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

stick to it??

Alright so here is the scoop so far. I haven't been wearing make-up for seven days (excluding Sunday) wohoo!!! It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I had my first test though. Last night something crazy happened...that never happens: I was asked on a date for Friday night. This was a super surprise, but made me contemplate about what I was going to do make-up-wise. I thought about it and decided that I had made a deal with myself and would not wear make up at all. However, me being me...I still thought about it. Here is what I decided: I really don't care if I wear make-up because I am fine with anyone seeing me without make-up, but I do care...in the sense that the boy I am going out might think that I don't care about going out with him. It's is so true that I wear make up to look nice...so if I don't wear any does that mean that I don't care? That is an exaggeration...but I don't want the boy to think that I don't want to look nice for the date.

This made me think more about the whole not-wearing-make-up deal. I think that I decided wearing make-up is just fine as long as your reasons for wearing it are right...I think this is how it is for everything: motives. I should wear make-up to look nice, not to cover myself or because I need to. I don't have to wear make up everyday...just when I want to look nice...and yes the next question would be: Don't I want to look nice everyday??

-still thinking & deciding

Monday, June 15, 2009

mac.bobbi brown.clinique.sephora

make-up: (māk'ŭp') n
  1. The way in which something is composed or arranged; composition or construction.
  2. Printing The arrangement or composition, as of type or illustrations, on a page or in a book.
  3. The qualities or temperament that constitute a personality; disposition: Lying is not in her makeup.
  4. Cosmetics applied especially to the face.
  5. Materials, such as cosmetics and costumes, that an actor or actress uses in portraying a role.
  6. A special examination for a student who has been absent from or has failed a previous examination.
make up: (māk'ŭp') v
  1. to put together; construct; compile.
  2. to concoct; invent.
  3. to complete.
  4. to put in order; arrange: The maid will make up the room.
  5. to conclude; decide.
  6. to become reconciled, as after a quarrel.
  7. to dress in appropriate costume and apply cosmetics for a part on the stage.
Obviously this word is widely used as a noun, verb, or whatever. The definition me and most girls are used to is the application of cosmetics. However when you actually think about it and apply the other definitions the word make-up takes on a whole new meaning.

This is hyperbole, but I have decided that when I was wearing make up I was wearing a mask. I hid behind my eyeliner and foundation. I was adding, enhancing, altering or whatever you want to call it...the face that I was given. I was making myself up.

So, I decided to give up make up...call me crazy, but I have been doing it for four and a half days. It has been great. Mostly because I take less time getting ready. I do take a little more time on my hair, but and when I look in the mirror I see me and nothing else. Each day I look in the mirror at my plain face, and I will admit being a little self-conscious. As soon as I step out the door and am busy at work or school I completely forget the fact that I am wearing absolutely no make up. Only when I see my reflection do I ever remember and start caring again. Maybe this is because in some weird way we perceive ourselves from another person's perspective...like I think of myself in terms of how my friends or family perceive me. This could be why I feel the need to make myself up. I think about others seeing me and the person they see wears make up, so I do. Make up has become such a routine part of my day...when I picture myself in my head...I am wearing make up. I don't know how I feel about this...whether it is good or bad or nothing at all, but here I am not wearing any make up.

I will not give up make up forever because let me be honest...sometimes it is just fun getting all made up. I started my 30-day-make-up fast (except for Sunday's...you have to look nice!) last Wednesday. This means no make up daily...except for moisturizer...and yes that means for dates and ward activities and work and school whew. I am hoping to learn to be happy with the natural me and maybe finding something else (who knows what) about myself.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

i hate this part right here...

Those who know me know that when I read something I always directly apply it to my life...whether it can be applied or not...somehow I find a way. Those who know me right now, know that the book I have been directly applying to my life for the last term has been my organizational behavior book...yes believe it. For example, I had just finished reading a chapter about leadership and went off to my tennis class. This is what happened: I ended up taking control of the class, assigning partners and organizing a doubles tournament. Maybe this is just my personality, but I blame it on my organizational behavior book.

In this last section, Chapter 16 focused on organizational survival and adaptation, which I am applying to my life right now: I need to survive and adapt. It first talks about resistance to change...yes I have been doing that...and different types of change. I have decided to define my life in terms of punctuated equilibrium. This is a type of change defined by phases of climactic transformational change interposed with phases less dramatic incremental adjustments. Right now I am in the climatic transformational change period.

Yesterday I dropped off my roomie, Helen, at the airport (when I started writing this). I am officially alone in Provo. Don't get me wrong...I know people, I have work, I have my ward, but it's just not the same. I been thinking and I have friends and acquaintances, but then there are those other friends. There really should be another name for them...I know you are thinking besties or bff's, but I am thinking some other entirely new word that just describes them perfectly. Because, I am talking about those friends that you trust completely...that you really have nothing else in common except for being friends. There are no excuses like oh we play tennis together or we have the same class. The explanation for you being friends is that you are friends. I have been very blessed to have friends like this. Yes they may have started out as oh we roomed together freshman year or we randomly going to a kids camp at city park, but that has become how we met, not the reason why we are friends. Losing those friends or separating from them is just plain hard.

This the cause of my transformational change; so, here I go feet first into transformational change...I really have no other choice. I guess we will just see where this change takes me. It is bound to take me somewhere and change me somehow.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

the process

I've been told I think too much....it's probably true. Actually I know it's true. I go to bed thinking and wake up thinking. I even begin thinking before I open my eyes in the morning. It happens all the time...in the shower, on my walk to work, at work, on my walk home, during class, while I am cooking, and especially when I drive. Thinking is most likely the reason why I have put off starting my blog...I have been thinking about it too much. I have thought about how to start it...word for word...changed my mind....and then procrastinated. This process could have happened multiple times and probably did. Thinking too much is a blessing and a curse, but during all this thinking I have decided something. I decided that all these thoughts I have are only mine. Thoughts are something that we have all to ourselves. They are safe from everyone else and can be whatever we choose. This is how it is and how it was meant to be. As I have already established I have trillions of thoughts than come in and out of my mind, but that is all that they have done. Occasionally I shed thoughts on others...lucky Helen...or simply talk out loud to myself...this happens a lot, ask anyone at work. However, I have decided that thoughts are only thoughts until they are recorded. If thoughts are never recorded they disappear. When thoughts are written down they become something more.

So here I am deciding to record. I have been thinking and all thoughts have their specialized mediums. Somethings are just better said and somethings are just better done. For the purposes of this blog most of my thoughts will have to be written; occasionally a picture or video might appear, but overall just bundles of words. One of my favorite things is being able to say exactly what I want to say and saying exactly how I want to say it. This is rare, rare like a half-Japanese girl from Wyoming. But when it does happen its perfect; just like when you find that outfit that meshes so perfectly together that it makes you feel like a million bucks. Words are power. When you have enough words to say exactly what you want and how you want, you have something that few people have. When words are recorded they become something more. They are alive...they have breath...they have meaning..they have been created.

So here I am creating. Before I put off my blog because I was thinking, and during that time I worked on my profile like a mad woman. I have noticed this amazing feeling I get when I am working; it something inside of me that is satisfied with creating, with refining and with polishing. I love it. This combination of words and visuals mixes together to become something I and only I can create.

So here is the process: think, record, create. Hopefully this blog will by me. It will be all the raw and crazy thoughts that I have, all my little obsessions with lists, my annoying habit of living in the future and everything that makes me, well me. So to all my readers a forewarning: I like to think I am very organized, but most of the time I am very random. The crazy thing is that it all makes sense in my head. So hold on for the ride...it's going to be long, confusing and maybe a little entertaining....and try to figure out the method to my madness.