“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” -Judy Garland

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am the baby in the family...probably in more ways than one. So naturally I did not grow up around any little siblings or babies....that was me! I also was removed from any other extended family; we saw them maybe once or twice a year...so no little cousins.

OK...so I will admit it straight out: I don't like kids or babies. I have wondered why A LOT...probably because whenever I say this to somehow they give a look that says: Are you a crazy/psycho/mean/unsympathetic/hard/numb/have-no-feelings type of person? These are all valid questions...for those of you who know my iron first, but I think most of these don't describe me majority of the time...or at least a few moments in my life have been characterized by compassion, friendliness or heaven forbid kindness.

Nevertheless I still don't like babies. One time my manager at the KOA, Jean, chased me all around the store with her new baby; I had a panic attack...real fear. I also get anxiety over holding babies and just when they are around. I have only really ever held one baby: my cousin Duncan...it wasn't too bad...but after about a minute I gave him back to my aunt.

I think this anti-baby syndrome comes from being the baby and growing up with cousins who LOVED babies. Over the years I have found myself...dare I say it...liking kids more. They still stress me out and I can spend a day with them at the max, but sometimes I find them irresistibly cute. Like my adviser, Cristi's, baby....so cute...I didn't hold him, but I found him cute. And whenever kids come into the office I can't help but think how cute they are...well most of them.

So here is to the new me who is learning to tolerate kids...and maybe babies. btw I am headed to a baby shower right now!

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