“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” -Judy Garland

Monday, June 15, 2009

mac.bobbi brown.clinique.sephora

make-up: (māk'ŭp') n
  1. The way in which something is composed or arranged; composition or construction.
  2. Printing The arrangement or composition, as of type or illustrations, on a page or in a book.
  3. The qualities or temperament that constitute a personality; disposition: Lying is not in her makeup.
  4. Cosmetics applied especially to the face.
  5. Materials, such as cosmetics and costumes, that an actor or actress uses in portraying a role.
  6. A special examination for a student who has been absent from or has failed a previous examination.
make up: (māk'ŭp') v
  1. to put together; construct; compile.
  2. to concoct; invent.
  3. to complete.
  4. to put in order; arrange: The maid will make up the room.
  5. to conclude; decide.
  6. to become reconciled, as after a quarrel.
  7. to dress in appropriate costume and apply cosmetics for a part on the stage.
Obviously this word is widely used as a noun, verb, or whatever. The definition me and most girls are used to is the application of cosmetics. However when you actually think about it and apply the other definitions the word make-up takes on a whole new meaning.

This is hyperbole, but I have decided that when I was wearing make up I was wearing a mask. I hid behind my eyeliner and foundation. I was adding, enhancing, altering or whatever you want to call it...the face that I was given. I was making myself up.

So, I decided to give up make up...call me crazy, but I have been doing it for four and a half days. It has been great. Mostly because I take less time getting ready. I do take a little more time on my hair, but and when I look in the mirror I see me and nothing else. Each day I look in the mirror at my plain face, and I will admit being a little self-conscious. As soon as I step out the door and am busy at work or school I completely forget the fact that I am wearing absolutely no make up. Only when I see my reflection do I ever remember and start caring again. Maybe this is because in some weird way we perceive ourselves from another person's perspective...like I think of myself in terms of how my friends or family perceive me. This could be why I feel the need to make myself up. I think about others seeing me and the person they see wears make up, so I do. Make up has become such a routine part of my day...when I picture myself in my head...I am wearing make up. I don't know how I feel about this...whether it is good or bad or nothing at all, but here I am not wearing any make up.

I will not give up make up forever because let me be honest...sometimes it is just fun getting all made up. I started my 30-day-make-up fast (except for Sunday's...you have to look nice!) last Wednesday. This means no make up daily...except for moisturizer...and yes that means for dates and ward activities and work and school whew. I am hoping to learn to be happy with the natural me and maybe finding something else (who knows what) about myself.

1 comment:

  1. haha! I'm glad you blogged about this! :D And I think it's so cool that you did it.

    p.s. nuns don't wear makeup, they don't even use mirrors... talk about giving up all vanity.
