“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.” -Judy Garland

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Week In a Nutshell

So this week was interesting. Let me highlight some things.

Wed: No one told me what to do if you are contacting and all the sudden a big black man comes up to you and says " I a Muslim, but I like you" and proceeds to hug you....AHHH he was nice but I was totally taken off-guard and didn't know what to do AAHHHHH!!!

Fri: Walking outside a rehabilitation center we run into a lady who's daughter was just diagnosed with leukemia...she tells us everything and that she is mad at God. Out of nowhere we testify, her heart is soften, and we get her contact information and send the elders on their way....MIRACLE!

Also talking to a man on the sky train...he is from Taiwan...his family religion is Buddhism, but he is not sure. We end up talking about the after-life...in serious detail...who knew...oh and in Chinese ha.

Sat: We had a dinner appointment at a investigators home. He invited two friends. We had great Taiwanese food. One of the ladies started asking about why there is so much hurt in the world and if there is a God, why doesn't he just make everything better and save all of these people? The other friend was a Christian...not LDS and gave a beautiful overview of the plan of salvation...she was amazing.....= 2 BOM handed out!

Sun: I ATE A CHICKEN FOOT....whoa. It took a while but I did it. Then we ran into a drunk man that almost dropped a cement block on a truck...SCARY. I love the people here they are absolutely crazy :).

Yep that was my week in a nutshell.

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